2017 – 2024

Within the position as Artistic Associates at the Institute for Product and Process Design at the Berlin University of the Arts we conducted projects that explore transformative interventions through design and its material, technical, social, and discursive possibilities.

2017 – today

Within the position as Artistic Associates at the Institute for Product and Process Design at the Berlin University of the Arts we are conducting projects that explore transformative interventions through design and its material, technical, social, and discursive possibilities.

07 Die Kurve kriegen

Lecturers_ Prof. Axel Kufus, Annika Unger, Anja Lapatsch
BA students_ Theresa Glasauer, Nicolas Straub, Cristiano Picão Pereira, Lale Knapp, Nele Oetjens, Mingyu Kim, Limeng Liu, Emma Johann, Ania Jaca, Anton Hermes, Sophia Ludwig, Lilly Krämer

Photos_  Nicolas Straub, Cristiano Picão Pereira, Lale Knapp, Nele Oetjens, Mingyu Kim, Limeng Liu, Emma Johann, Ania Jaca, Anton Hermes, Sophia Ludwig, Lilly Krämer

What design can do - we see in large parts of the world - how it is, what it has become and how much momentum it has picked up in the process. Most of the scenarios we are heading towards are apocalyptic as far as our species and an incalculable number of species are concerned!
In our attempts to change course, we run into enormous inertia and come up against great complexities.
How do we turn the corner - that is the omnipresent question, demand, hope and opportunity. And applied to our profession:
What design finally can do?
In experimental practical discourses, speculative models of possibility emerge, which we introduce and test in everyday scenarios.